Aura brings healthcare
closer to you.
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Determined. Personal. Communicative.
(833) 469 2872
(Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM EST)
An all round integration of everything.
The medical devices provided like Bluetooth enabled BP monitor, weighing scale, spirometer and more, let you check your values and keep track of your progress.
The devices integrate with one another to give you an accessible and satisfactory healthcare experience.
We bring quality care at the
comfort of your home.
Start your health
management journey.
Connect with your doctors online for reviews, treatments and check ups. Access health protocols leveraged by technology driven advancements, all with a smartphone.
Accessible monthly reports
and analytics.
Be informed of your current condition with the monthly reports and analytics, presented in an easily understandable manner.
Leverage your lifestyle
with agile healthcare.
Monitor your health records on the fly with
checkups only a click away. Manage your health better with customized healthcare plans.
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adipiscing elit.
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Introducing Remote
Patient Monitoring
Our chronic care solutions simplify the management of complicated health conditions.
We bring quality care at the comfort of your home with our Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) tools, a mutually beneficial system augmenting clinicians’ overall time and resource management paving the way to better outcomes on both ends.
Transform your virtual
care experience today.
Contact us to discover how Aura can add value
to your organization.